
Wink is born !

Yes! Here I am ! Born in a moment of distraction … Go and see   What is the trick !  &-)

Beginning of a new world !

Population : in expansion
Currency : smiles

Anthem : « The bear necessities »
Offical language : eye signals &-)

Meet my people … &-)

My road companions Spark M and Spark W
[ The amazing Marleen Van Beuzekom and Wendy Mottard ] ,

The Sparks we discover
[ Artists from everywhere : South America,Europe ,… that wink with their art. They have a little sparkle in their eye… ] ,

The converted Spices
[ People that can see and make winks… most of them being converted ices after one of our hands on sessions] ,

and the Ices to melt !
[ People with closed eyes that urgently need Wink treatment ]


Why do some people feel lucky and others unlucky …

Can you guess what managed to draw a smile on my face when the day started like this… &-)

 So, can you guess? Click below and if you tell be a bit more about how these stories could end, I'll send you the answer ! &-)